
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh No! Its Monday!

“Oh No! It’s Monday tomorrow!!”

Did you share this sentiment as the weekend is coming to an end? Do you dread Sunday nights and Monday mornings?  Does Monday seem to be the slowest day of the week? Well then, its diagnosed! You are suffering from what everybody calls “Monday Blues”. What’s new! We knew that already, you might say! 

However, this suffering can be brought to an end! I hated Mondays, until I tried the things I have listed below! And now, believe it or not, but I really look forward to Mondays! Exaggeration? No! You will see…..

  1. SMILE, SMILE & SMILE a lot!! It’s infectious and effective!

  1. Pick up your favourite dress/shirt on Sunday evening and keep it ready to wear it the next day! Let Monday be your best dressed day of the week at work!

  1. Acknowledge & Appreciate – send a word of thanks to some old friends / colleagues/ family, anyone who you know deserves it, helped you in some tiny little way in your life. Acknowledge their effort and make them smile. Trust me, you will feel happy too!

  1. Decide to do one fun thing for Monday evening, like watch a movie, go for a fine dinner, go shopping, or just meet up with some friends. It can be anything else you like! This way you will have something exciting to look forward to as the day tags along!

  1. Give yourself a head-start! Finish up some of the work planned for Monday on Friday afternoon! Having one thing less to do is a great feeling.

  1. Make a list of things you accomplished in the last week, and the things you want to over the coming week! Will give you a sense of Meaningful Mondays.

  1. Keep the To-Do list for Monday, Simple & Short!

  1. Play your best music! Peppy Dance numbers help a lot!

  1. Have good food throughout the day – starting with a great breakfast! Yeah! Yummy food does make you feel better!

  1. Get some exercise, preferably in the morning! Go for a short walk / jog, take   some fresh air, sunshine and take in the beauty of nature!
Eventually, while doing these, you will realize that there are many other things, apart from the above 10 which will make you happy! Soon, you will have your own list! And the time is not far away, my friend, when you will hear yourself say

“Thank God it's Monday!” Exaggeration Again? Try it!


Vaibhavi said...

koi pan topic par lakhe tu!!?? :)

Nidhi Kush Shah said...

@Vaibhavi - tu keh e topic par lakhu...bolo...tamne shun vanchvu chhe! :)

Sunny said...

There are other ways of motivating yourself on a Monday too. Like telling yourself "only 5 days left in this week. only 5. only 5." :P

Nidhi Kush Shah said...

@Sunny - Excellent idea....c i told u ...u cud generate ur own list!! :) its working! :)

Haresh Vora said...

Nicely written Article......worth trying all 10 things listed in it....that will really give you synergy to activate your entire week.The well bigning of the week will give you exiting weekend in it is happy happy both ways...............:-)

Unknown said...

Nice article. Really,Monday Blues is the most discussed thing on Mondays on Facebook and twitter.

Nidhi Kush Shah said...

@Rachit - Thank you for the feedback.Yes indeed Monday blues are most discussed on Sunday evenings and Monday mornings :) Hope this will be useful.